Картинки как пахнет весной
Запрещены посты созданные с одной и единственной! В остальном - живите активной жизнью на Пикабу, делитесь гениальными, остроумными шутками, и будьте печеньками! Моя дочь сказала ровно то же и про то же.
It smells like spring!
Interested in other works by this artist or other artists? We will provide them to you. It smells like spring! Zhevno Ekaterina In winter, at the end of February, there are those beautiful days when the sun is already starting to warm in the crown, the shadows change their shade, and the spirit of spring is already in the air. And like snow still lies, but nature is already awakening, and the heart is filled with sweet and joyful anticipation of the first warmth and the first colors.
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